
News & Editorial


July 20, 2021

Editorial 20 July 2021

Science is magic that works”

            Kurt Vonnegut

American Writer 1922-2007

A chondrosarcoma is something that most of us, bar Bone Tumour Surgeons, hope not to see much at all. That’s all the more reason to keep vigilent and educated about these unusual cases, and have some insight into their presentation and the complexities of their management. Jonathan Stevensons Partial scapulectomy technique delivers on all fronts.
It has been an education to read Tahseen Chaudhrys technique for open implantation of a Stimrouter nerve stimulator, and to understand the straightforward principles and detail involved in this useful intervention for refactory and life altering chronic neuropathic pain.
We also publish two femoral nail cases this week from the Trauma unit in Birmingham, UK, both of significant merit. Ross Fawdington makes a strong case for the use of telescopic nails is reconstructing significant femoral bone loss after trauma and Paul Fentons proximal femoral nail technique provides a very clear rationale and instruction on their use.

We have just launched some new subscription options that should encourage those of you who’ve been limited to our open content, to explore the rest of the platform
As always there is no minimum subscription term, and we now have both Dolllar and Euro options.
For new subscribers the first month of access is free and the next two months are discounted at 50%.
Anyone wanting to pay annually can again do so, and there is also a 15% discount with this option.
Our Take the Tour  is the quickest way to understand the key USPs of the platform and the Free trial  sits with the other subscription options.

As always our question modules generate CME points accredited by the Royal Surgical Colleges of England, Edinburgh and Ireland, which also have European equivalency. Any time you spend on the platform is also logged so you can also generate accredited certificates simply by studying our techniques.

For Open access content on the operations, as well as weekly updates, follow us on Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter.

Best wishes

Mark Herron FRCS


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