Ankle arthrodesis (fusion): Arthroscopic assisted Ankle Fusion

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Learn the Ankle arthrodesis (fusion): Arthroscopic assisted Ankle Fusion surgical technique with step by step instructions on OrthOracle. Our e-learning platform contains high resolution images and a certified CME of the Ankle arthrodesis (fusion): Arthroscopic assisted Ankle Fusion surgical procedure.
An arthroscopic ankle fusion probably has consistently the highest union rate of any ankle fusion technique. It is often associated with lower levels of short-lived post-operative pain, when compared to open techniques. If bone quality is good there is also the possibility of starting early limited weight-bearing in compliant patients. Union rates in excess of 90% are normal and much of the post operative period can be spent in a post-operative boot rather than cast given the inherent stability of the maintained (as opposed to flat cut) articular surfaces.
The technique is particularly useful for cases with poor soft tissue quality such as areas covered with skin graft or various plastic surgical flaps as well as in those with compromised wound healing capacity, such as diabetics.
There is disagreement about its use in the presence of significant deformity, though as long as the deformity is passively correctible there is little issue using the technique. Even a degree of fixed deformity of the arthritic ankle can be corrected by differential intra-articular resection/preparation of the adjacent joint surfaces.
In the presence of a mobile compensatory mid-foot and hind-foot a normal, or largely normal, gait pattern can be expected following arthroscopic ankle fusion. Appropriate patient selection is important and in-particular considering fusion carefully in those with pre-exisiting sub-talar or midfoot arthrosis which will deteriorate in many cases. These are the same considerations though for any ankle fusion irrespective of technique.
One should be fully conversant with the technique of ankle arthroscopy before attempting an arthroscopic ankle fusion:
Ankle arthroscopy using the Smith and Nephew Guhl non-invasive ankle distractor
Alternative techniques to fuse the ankle should always be in a surgeons skill set and examples can be read on OrthOracle at:
Ankle Fusion (arthrodesis): Trans-fibular approach using AnkleFix 4.0 plate (Zimmer-Biomet)
Ankle arthrodesis (fusion): Trans-fibular approach
Ankle Fusion: Arthrex anterior ankle fusion plate
Readers will also find the following techniques of interest:
Tibio-Talo-Calcaneal (TTC/Double )fusion using Zimmer Ankle Fix plus plate.
Tibio-Talo-Calcaneal (TTC/Double )fusion using Integra Advansys Plate
Tibio-talo-calcaneal (TTC/Double ) fusion with Wright Valor nail.
Author: Mark Herron FRCS.
Institution: The Wellington Hospital, London, UK.
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