Femoral neck fracture: Cannulated Hip screws (Asnis III – Stryker) for intracapsular fracture

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Learn the Femoral neck fracture: Cannulated Hip screws (Asnis III – Stryker) for intracapsular fracture surgical technique with step by step instructions on OrthOracle. Our e-learning platform contains high resolution images and a certified CME of the Femoral neck fracture: Cannulated Hip screws (Asnis III – Stryker) for intracapsular fracture surgical procedure.
These fractures occur predominantly in a bimodal distribution of young adults and the edlerly. In the young they are associated with high energy trauma, most often polytrauma. The majority of fractures however occur in the elderly. They are associated with groin and proximal thigh pain.
In the case presented no fracture was seen on plain radiographs but suspected and the undisplaced intracapsular fracture was diagnosed on MRI.
This presentation highlights a somewhat novel technique for performing cannulated screws through stab incisions. It is reliable and highly reproducible.
This technique is less invasive than the standard technique most are taught, potentially decreasing wound complication rates and length of stay, however it does need to be performed well and in the correct patient.
Ideally this should be read in conjunction with my published OrthOracle techniques : Stryker Omega Dynamic Hip Screw for extra-capsular neck of femur fracture and Exeter Trauma Stem for Intracapsular Neck of Femur Fracture – Stryker.
Author: Mr Andrew Gordon PhD, FRCS (Tr & Orth).
Institution: The Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
Clinicians should seek clarification on whether any implant demonstrated is licensed for use in their own country.
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