Hallux Rigidus: Minimally invasive Cheilectomy

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Learn the Hallux Rigidus: Minimally invasive Cheilectomy surgical technique with step by step instructions on OrthOracle. Our e-learning platform contains high resolution images and a certified CME of the Hallux Rigidus: Minimally invasive Cheilectomy surgical procedure.
A relatively new technique which reduces the post-operative pain ,swelling and visible scarring resulting from debridement of the 1st metatarso-phalangeal joint. Despite these early advantages significant evidence is lacking on any longer term advantage in terms of the outcome of debriding a Hallux Rigidus.
A minimally invasive cheilectomy should also usually be combined with an MTP joint arthroscopy to lavage from the joint the resulting bone swarf as well as deal with the intra-articular pathology the exists with a degenerate joint.
Minimally invasive cheilectomy is of use in two overlapping subsets of patients. The first group are those with more generalised (but milder ) arthritic symptoms , where the intervention is part of a more general minimally invasive joint debridement. The second are those who are suffering with exclusively dorsal impingement symptoms , either as part of an advanced but pain-free arthritic joint or an anatomically prominent dorsal aspect to the metatarsal head.
Author: Mark Herron FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Institution: The Wellington Hospital, London, UK.
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