
Claw toe correction: Jones procedure and Hansens flexor hallucis longus transfer



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Learn the Claw toe correction: Jones procedure and Hansens flexor hallucis longus transfer surgical technique with step by step instructions on OrthOracle. Our e-learning platform contains high resolution images and a certified CME of the Claw toe correction: Jones procedure and Hansens flexor hallucis longus transfer surgical procedure.

The Jones procedure is a straightforward operation for correction of the significantly clawed great toe.

It is most often carried out in the patient with underlying neurological disorder and may well be part of a more comprehensive overall cavus foot correction.

It is highly effective in relieving the painful pressure points resulting from a clawed hallux in the neurological foot  but does not produce a normally functioning great toe. Gait abnormalities, hallux flexus and hallux limitus are common post operatively.

An alternative to consider, especially in the more active and less neurologically challenged patient with a flexible deformity, is Hansens’ technique of transferring the flexor hallucis longus to the base of the first proximal phalanx. This technique is also covered at the end of the section.



Author: Mark Herron FRCS

Institution: The Wellington Hospital, London, UK.

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