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Team für Knochen- und Weichteiltumore

Editor in Chief

Mr Jonathan Stevenson FRCS (Tr & Oth)

Jonathan Stevenson is a specialist in oncology & arthroplasty at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust.

He qualified at the University of Birmingham in 2005. He gained his specialist training at the Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry and began...

Jonathan Stevenson is a specialist in oncology & arthroplasty at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust.

He qualified at the University of Birmingham in 2005. He gained his specialist training at the Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry and began working at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust in 2015. He is a Senior Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedics at Aston University.

He has been awarded multiple national research prizes in orthopaedic oncology from national bodies including the British Orthopaedic Association, British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Royal Society of Medicine. He was elected to the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) sarcoma clinical studies group in 2015.

He was awarded the British Orthopaedic Association International travelling fellowship award in 2014, visiting the Tata Memorial hospital in Mumbai and the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society European travelling fellowship award in 2015.

Jonathan has published four book chapters and is the co-editor of an orthopaedic basic sciences textbook. He is the author of 19 publications with 45 citations since 2011 including seven peer reviewed papers, five review articles and seven abstracts.

He has international scientific presentation experience since 2010 and has presented research at all major national and international orthopaedic oncology scientific meetings since 2014. He is a reviewer for the European Journal of Surgical Oncology.

He regularly examines and lectures on FRCS (Tr & Orth) courses in clinical examination, viva examination and basic science.

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Mr Michael Parry FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Michael Parry is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital specializing in orthopaedic oncology and primary and revision lower limb arthroplasty.

Michael undertook his undergraduate medical training at the University of Bristol qualifying in...

Michael Parry is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital specializing in orthopaedic oncology and primary and revision lower limb arthroplasty.

Michael undertook his undergraduate medical training at the University of Bristol qualifying in 2001. He continued his training in Oxford and the South East before returning to Bristol to complete his higher surgical training. He completed his Doctorate in Medicine in 2012 and was previously appointed as an NIHR clinical lecturer in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Bristol. He has completed fellowship training in lower limb arthroplasty in Vancouver and orthopaedic oncology here in Birmingham. Michael began working at the ROH in 2014 and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Aston.

Michael's specialist interests are in orthopaedic oncology and lower limb arthroplasty, with a particular interest in the management of infected joint replacements. Michael has published extensively in these fields and has continued to develop his research interests in both oncology and revision lower limb arthroplasty. He regularly presents at national and international conferences on behalf of the ROH and is a reviewer for a number of renowned orthopaedic journals.

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Dr Nacho Albergo, MD.

Nacho Albergo is a specialist in oncology & arthroplasty at the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
His residency training was in Argentina following which he completed specialist fellowships in the University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, Netherlands, The...

Nacho Albergo is a specialist in oncology & arthroplasty at the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
His residency training was in Argentina following which he completed specialist fellowships in the University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, Netherlands, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA.

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Mr Kenny Rankin FRCS (Tr & Orth)

I graduated in 1999 from the University of Dundee. Basic surgical training was in Newcastle followed by an MD investigating the cellular biology of bone metastases. Higher specialist training was in Perth and Dundee followed by a return to the North East as NIHR...

I graduated in 1999 from the University of Dundee. Basic surgical training was in Newcastle followed by an MD investigating the cellular biology of bone metastases. Higher specialist training was in Perth and Dundee followed by a return to the North East as NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer.
My current post as Consultant consists of 80% oncology and 20% lower limb arthroplasty. I have protected research time in my job plan. This allows me to pursue research at Newcastle University which include basic and translational projects such as detection of circulating tumour cells in sarcoma and the optimisation of cell surface targets for the development of fluorescence guided sarcoma surgery.

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Professor Robert Grimer FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Professor Robert Grimer is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon formerly based at the Royal Orthopaedic
Hospital in Birmingham.
He was appointed as a Consultant in 1988 and is a former Council member of the British Orthopaedic Association and an
Examiner for the...

Professor Robert Grimer is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon formerly based at the Royal Orthopaedic
Hospital in Birmingham.
He was appointed as a Consultant in 1988 and is a former Council member of the British Orthopaedic Association and an
Examiner for the Intercollegiate Final Specialist Exam in Orthopaedics.
He has over 350 peer
reviewed publications and is an Honorary Professor at the University of Birmingham and a previous Hunterian Professor of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

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Unser Team für Knochen- und Weichteiltumore kommt aus dem Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham und dem Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, zwei der herausragenden britischen (und internationalen) Zentren für diesen sehr spezialisierten Bereich der Orthopädie.

Alle Bilder zeigen die genannten Autoren bei der Durchführung ihrer eigenen Techniken und die Operationsbeschreibungen und Fragen wurden von ihnen selbst verfasst.

Die Behandlung von Knochen- und Weichteiltumoren ist ein besonderer Bereich, in dem eine ganzheitliche und multidisziplinäre Beurteilung vor der Operation (einschließlich spezialisierter orthopädischer Radiologen und Onkologen) unerlässlich ist. Auch die postoperative Überwachung und die Chemo- und/oder Strahlentherapie sind häufig erforderlich. Dies und die Seltenheit des Falles machen ihn zu einem Fall für spezialisierte Abteilungen und spezialisierte Chirurgen.

Wenn operative Techniken unter Verwendung eines Implantats demonstriert werden, spiegelt dies die eigene Technik der Autoren wider, wie sie sie in ihrer Praxis anwenden. Ihre Demonstration stellt keine Empfehlung der Technik oder des Implantats durch OrthOracle, das Royal College of Surgeons oder den Hersteller dar und sollte nicht als solche betrachtet werden.

Die vollständigen technischen und operativen Details sind beim Hersteller erhältlich und sollten von denjenigen, die die Verwendung eines Implantats in Erwägung ziehen, zur Kenntnis genommen werden.

Die Erwähnung bestimmter Produkte oder Implantate auf OrthOracle sollte nicht als Hinweis darauf verstanden werden, dass diese anderen ähnlichen Produkten überlegen sind, die möglicherweise ähnliche Leistungsstandards aufweisen.


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