Flexor tendon reconstruction: First stage using silicone spacer

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There are a number of clinical scenarios where primary tendon repair is not a feasible option and some form of graft reconstruction is required. This may be performed as a single or a two stage procedure.
Here I demonstrate the first stage of a two stage flexor tendon reconstruction.
It was in 1963 that Basset and Carrol first described the use of silicone implants in tendon reconstruction and later Hunter (1971) described the two staged technique for flexor tendon reconstruction.
In summary the process involves using passive silicone tendon implants at the first procedure to re-establish a suitable biological environment for subsequent placement of tendon grafts.
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Author: Tahseen Chaudhry, Consultant Hand and Peripheral Nerve surgeon
Institution: Peripheral Nerve Unit, Birmingham hand centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
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